STK: Divine Eternal Love
What’s your daily habit?
What do you do EVERY day as a daily habit? Brush your teeth? Check email or Social Media? Read the news? Walk your dog? What if I asked you to share a daily habit of...
STK: Reframe from Love (SHIFT-Creativity)
Hope is in the mud?
I hope you are well... I hope you are safe. How are you managing this time of detachment and shift? Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamese Zen Buddhist spiritual leader, has been quoted as saying, "No...
Work is Love made Visible
I LOVE what I do. OK, I don't love "everything" I do, but knowing that everything I do allows me to do what I love makes it ALL worth while! Today, however I am going...
Can you do it?
Ready for a challenge? Find a mirror. Look at yourself and say: "I LOVE YOU!" I'm not kidding. If you can't say it to yourself, how can you expect it to hear it or receive...