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Digital Programs

Connect from Anywhere on Your Time

Need more flexibility in your practice schedule or just prefer to practice anywhere at anytime? Asynchronous practices are offered for ALL levels and interests.

Want more than asana (postures)? Looking for a more-rounded experience of Yoga for energy, mind and life. We got you! Check out our Digital Learning Library for Book Studies, Workshops, and Trainings

Build your Practice

Invitation to Get to Know Yourself: 30-day Challenge

Yoga is more than a series of postures or even the culmination of breathing, moving and resting. Yoga is a way being in the world; a strategy for living vibrantly. Join Kimberlyn for this 30-day LIVE Challenge you explore daily practice as the strategy to know (and love) yourself better.

The LIVE recording of November’s daily 30-challenge can be implemented as a daily guide, or a source of inspiration, picking and choosing from the variety  of daily themes and practice lengths. The important part is to show up for yourself! Breathe and check-in. What do you need? What do you notice? What are you aware of? From this interoception, wisely adapt your practice according to your needs.


Just Breathe: 7-days to Learn to Breathe

Breathing is everything… what is life without breath? And yet, do you know HOW to breathe? I mean do you really know how to breathe well?

Most of us have never learned. When we breathe well, we move well and we live well. When we breathe better… well, you get it! To live better, let’s breathe better! That’s what this 7-day series is all about. Helping you to discover the practice of breathing well to enhance every part of your life!

Whether you practice 7-days straight, or once a week… or repeat the same practice for a few days until it feels comfortable. This series can be adapted to help you begin exactly where you are! The point is to begin again today! Let’s breathe!

One time fee. Forever access!

Woman meditating on deck

Build your Daily Practice (one  minute at a time): 30-day Challenge

Are you ready to MOVE FREELY? Are your ready to breathe deeply? Are you ready to enhance your well-being and vitality? If “YES!” Then you are ready for Life’sWork 30-day Challenge to Build Your Daily Practice.

Build your daily practice to Breathe-Move-Rest to customize a 15-40 minute personal practice. Whether you divide your practice into smaller sessions through out the day or combine into a compete sequence, this program will help you develop and implement a powerful practice to pause for breath, lubricate the 10 “joints” of the body and cultivate deep rest in a just a few minutes.

Spring Renewal: Expand your practice with the Sun: 30-day Challenge

Maybe you have a daily practice and need a little inspiration or perhaps you’ve always wanted to establish a more consistent routine for your practice, or maybe you are brand new to the practice of yoga… no matter where you start, we can begin again as often as needed, with each new breath and each new day.

In this series, I’ll personally guide you through a daily practice of breath, movement and rest, incrementally increasing one minute each day! I know it sounds simple, and it is. Yet simple does not always mean easy. For this program to work, you will need to decide, you will need to SHOW UP every day, even on those days “you just don’t wanna.” I know you can do it. I also know you’ll be glad you did!

Just Pause: 7-days to Learn to Be

Learning to be is NOT about being still or even about quieting the mind, its about learning to be with yourself, exactly as you are, in the world exactly as it is without experience any negative stress.

Most of us have never learned how to just be. We’ve been taught to do, do and do some more. When we pause we have the space and possibility to know our selves, and dare I say, learn to love ourselves.

That’s what this 7-day series is all about. Helping you to discover the practice of being to enhance every part of your life!

Whether you practice 7-days straight, or once a week… or repeat the same practice for a few days until it feels comfortable. Begin where you are (and how you are) and then adapt your practice for what you need. The point is to show up for yourself! Let’s pause!

One time fee. Forever access!

Inspire Your Life

Find the Yes! An INTRODUCTION to Inspired Living

Yoga for Authenticity! Life is full of shift. Shift is gonna happen whether you’re ready or not. There are ways to prepare, cope and manage SHIFT so that it doesn’t blow you off course or out of the game. Compassion and authenticity are the foundation for Inspired Shift! This program is designed to help you build a solid foundation for grace & ease in times of Change.

Find the Yes! bootcamp is a week-long workshop to help you build your compassion game and clarify your authentic self. As the foundation to Inspired SHIFT!, authenticity and compassion are skills we can learn through purposeful practice. This bootcamp is a guided introduction to Inspired SHIFT!. Find the Yes! teaches you HOW to build a foundation rooted in gratitude and compassion to prepare for what life presents. Find the Yes! supports you in rediscovering alignment in body, mind and spirit, and remembering your authenticity to prepare you to live a life you love!

One time fee of $7 for a month-long access to the digital content.

Inspired Shift!

Yoga for navigating change! Explore the 7Cs of Inspired Shift! and cultivate clarity for what’s next in your life journey. Circle gathering to support collaboration and accountability designed to shift you from

  • overwhelmed to confident & clear
  • bored to engaged & passionate
  • disconnected to aligned & inspired.and
  • support you in cultivating curiosity, creativity and courage for what’s next!

Inspired Shift aims to open your heart and mind to possibilities you have yet to even imagine. Inspired Shift teaches a (repeatable and adaptable) process of inquiry, investigation, and introspection to clarify what matters most to you and how you want to show up for life. Inspired Shift provides a safe space for WEEKLY connection and collaboration, opportunity to be seen and heard without judgment, cooperative learning experiences and independent reflection questions. Inspired Shift guides you into a deeper knowing of your true self and the discovery of your life’s work so you can SHIFT into action of living.

Tuition covers access to digital content for BOTH Find the Yes! and Inspired Shift!.
4 payments of $97, billed monthly.

20/20 Vision Casting

Yoga for Clear Seeing! Most of us have fleeting ideas of what we want to be, do or have in our lives. But they remain just that: fleeting! After all, who has time to intentionally get clear about what we want to create?

The power of intention and focus is not a secret. Vision Boards are a tool to harness attention and intention. Katy Perry, Ellen Degeneres and Oprah all swear that Vision Boards were the tool to help them intentionally create the outcomes they wanted in life. But it’s not just about slapping a bunch of images of the things you want on a poster board. It’s about getting clear about your authentic intention for your life, its about letting go of what’s getting in the way, and it’s about clearly connecting with your dreams while designing a vision that compels you to pay attention! It’s as much about what goes on the board as what doesn’t!

Intended as a guided day-long retreat, or to use over the course of multiple days, as your schedule and reflection allow. This digital program will help you DISCOVER and COMMIT to living your best life!

One time fee for full year access to the digital content.

OnPurpose Living

Do you need a clear path for your life? Are you in need of a strategy for prioritizing your efforts? Do you want to create or re-establish healthy boundaries for work-life and relationships? On Purpose living is as much about what goes on the schedule as what doesn’t!

OnPurpose Living is a digital coaching program to guide and direct the writing of your Life’sWork Plan using a 10-step strategy.
Aligning our daily actions and intentions with our ethics and values, or as I call it, “learning to live in alignment” is the truest example of a life lived well. Learning to live in alignment is the practice of OnPurpose Living or living your life’s work.

Intended as a guided day-long retreat, or to use over the course of multiple days, as your schedule and reflection allow. This digital program will help you DISCOVER and COMMIT to living your best life!

One time fee for full year access to the digital content.

Yoga Living

Yoga for Inspired Living! Discover the power of Yoga for living LIFE fully in about 30-minutes a day, adaptable enough to sprinkle through-out even the most hectic of schedules. Go from overwhelmed and cloudy to clear and confident. Build the habits of inspiration and vibrant living into your daily life. Create a personal daily practice to help you breathe deeply, move freely, labor lovingly and live vibrantly.

Yoga Living is designed as a 6-month program that includes forever access to THREE learning modules (Yoga Living, Authentic Living, & Inspired Living) to equip you with CONFIDENCE and COMPETENCE to LIVE intimately with inspiration!

One time fee for forever access to the digital content.

Expand your Practice: Yoga Book Club

Want to deepen your yoga study and Yoga Living practices? Join us for Yoga Alliance approved CEUs and accountability to live your yoga beyond the mat! Great for Yoga teachers, yoga practitioners as well as wellness book lovers!

Pick and choose the titles that interest you, or enroll in Book Club Membership for a  access ALL the recorded Book Club content! New content every quarter. Want more connection, join Guru Circle!

Yoga Philosophy

Book club The Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita

A walkthrough for Westerners; Translated by Jack Hawley

This modern rendition of one of India’s greatest texts, brings the ancient secrets to the modern world and offers a readable story with clear and exciting applications for application to our busy lives. Kimberlyn expands on these themes and shares ten rich conversations and three text-inspired practices for practical, relatable integration of yoga principles.

The Yamas & Nyamas book club book

Yamas & Niyamas

Exploring Yoga’s ethical practice by Deborah Adele

A foundational philosophy to Yoga & Life’sWork, the Yoga Sutras are a worthy topic for deep and candid study. Deborah Adele offers a personable, relatable, and accessible interpretation. With gratitude and respect, Kimberlyn challenges Adele’s personal bias and even interpretation while highlighting universal nuggets of wisdom in Adele’s stories and explanations. Kimberlyn discusses the ten ethical principles in four mini lessons and three practices.

Yoga Myths

Ancient tales for INSPIRATION for modern living. Inspired by the work of numerous authors, sources, and tales, Kimberlyn shares a modern take on the ancient stories to integrate and adapt for modern inspiration on and off the mat. Content includes special editions of Storytime, Coach’s Chat, Just Breath (pranayam), Just Pause (meditation) and even asana practices inspired by the heroes, legends, and tales of India.

The Great Work of Your Life

A guide for the Journey to your true calling.

In this fast-paced age, the often overwhelming realities of daily life may leave you feeling uncertain about how to realize your life’s true purpose-what spiritual teachers call dharma, or life’s work. In the Great Work of Your Life, Stephen Cope describes the process of unlocking the unique possibility harbored within EVERY human soul. Cope takes his readers on a step-by-step tour of the revered tale, The Bhagavad Gita, and highlight contemporary leaders and real life people to demonstrate the relevance of the ancient teachings. Together, will explore the text and elaborate to personalize and integrate the lessons of Inspired Living with the teachings offered in the Bhagavad Gita and Cope’s synthesis.

Book club The Inner Tradition of Yoga

The Inner Tradition of Yoga

A guide to yoga philosophy for the contemporary practitioner by Michael Stone

A studio favorite, Michael Stone provides an in-depth explanation of ancient Indian yogic philosophy along with the teachings of how to bring our understanding of yoga theory to deeper levels through the practice on the mat and in relationship with others. Kimberlyn shares how this text inspired the development of her own philosophy Transparent Alignment and weaves these themes into eight min lessons and three text-inspired practices.

Yoga and the path of urban mystic book

Yoga and the Path of the Urban Mystic

A practical and contemporary guide to integrating the ancient wisdom of yoga for the modern world by Darren Main

Darren Main explores the time-tested practice and philosophy of yoga in a new way. By using modern examples from more than a decade of experience with the ancient practice, Main brings the principles of yoga into clear focus making them user friendly for yogis living in the modern world. Kimberlyn expounds on these stories and lessons in twelve reflections and four integrated practices to explore the eight limbs of Patanjali’s Sutras.

Yoga & The Quest for the True Self

A guided journey for self-study, practice and exploration to discover our true self by Stephen Cope.

Stephen Cope, Western-trained psychotherapist and yoga teacher at the Kripalu Yoga Center, demystifies the philosophy, psychology and practice of yoga, and shows how it applies to our most human dilemmas.

Authentic Living

Gifts of Imperfection

Your guide to a wholehearted life by Dr. Brene Brown, PhD., LMSW

Brene Brown’s CLASSIC work, The Gifts of Imperfection, is a beautiful study all on its own. Kimberlyn seamlessly weaves Yoga philosophy and real life application into Brown’s work to bring a whole new level of authenticity and integration to the practice of courage, compassion and connection and the ritual we call Yoga.

Atlas of the Heart

Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience by Brene Brown

This is for the mapmakers and travelers in all of us. If we want to find the way back to ourselves and one another, we need language and the grounded confidence to both tell our stories and to be stewards of the stories that we hear. In Atlas of the Heart, Brene guides us to explore eighty-seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human and walk through a new framework for cultivating meaningful connection. Kimberlyn dives into the text and correlates these findings with the teachings and practice of Yoga, from ancient texts to modern applications. If you feel, you want to read this book!

Warrior Goddess Training

Become the woman you are meant to be by Heather Ash Amara

It’s no secret that women juggle a lot. They make up half the workforce and are busier than ever with partners, children, family and friends, often putting the needs of others ahead of their own. Warrior Goddess Training provides the antidote to the flawed idea that you are not enough. Kimberlyn’s interpretation and integration of Heatherash’s ideas into the traditions of Yoga, make WG training accessible and directly applicable for men and women through the practice of yoga.

On Being Human

A memoir of waking up, living real and listening hard by Jennifer Pastiloff

A guided journey for self-study, practice and exploration of life as a practice of love. Jen Pastiloff’s memoir shares relatable anecdotes and powerful stories to bring the practice of living yoga into daily life. Kimberlyn shares four key lessons via Coach’s Chat and three text inspired practices.

Yoga Living

Sitting on the Toolbox

Buddha’s Wisdom for a Joyful Life by Bhante Sujatha

Each of us sits upon our own toolbox– our own treasure trove of inner resources. The trick is learning how to open your toolbox and skillfully use the tools inside. Bhante uses humor, personal anecdotes, and a mix of ancient and modern stories to show you how to access your own deep truths and live a fuller, more joyful life. Kimberlyn seamlessly weaves Bhante’s teachings and Buddhist principles into the teachings of Yoga tradition and modern day living to translates these tools into a strategy for inspired living.

In Love with the World

A monk’s journey through the bardos of living & dying by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

In this powerful and unusually candid account of the inner life of a Buddhist master, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche offers the invaluable lessons he learned from his near-death experience by sharing the meditation practices that sustain him and transform fear into joyful living. Kimberlyn reflects on the reading of this memoir and offers her own journey toward joyful living through six mini-sharings and twelve inspired practices.


The Science of a lost art by James Nestor

There is nothing more essential to health and well-being than breathing. Yet, as a species, humans have lost the ability to breathe correctly and as a result, experience grave consequences. This science rich reporting from James Nestor offers modern science and personal experience with ancient breathing practices to deepen our understanding of life and breath. Kimberlyn dives into the text and correlates these findings with the teachings and practice of Yoga, from ancient texts to modern applications. If you breathe, you want to read this book!

Book club Living Your Yoga

Living Your Yoga

Finding the spiritual in everyday life by Judith Hanson Lasater, Ph.D., P.T.

Using time honored wisdom of the Yoga Sutra and the Bhagavad Gita to steer the course, Judith Hanson Lasater serves up off-the-mat practices to guide you in deepening your relationship with yourself, others and the world. A founding female voice in the modern yoga world, Lasater blends heartfelt knowledge of an ancient tradition with her life experience as a daughter, sister, partner, mother, friend and yoga practitioner and teacher. Building from Lasater’s foundation Kimberlyn offers direct application for integration and shift for the modern practitioner four lessons and three practices.

No Mud No Lotus

The art of transforming suffering by Thich Nhat Hanh

A guided journey for self-study, practice and exploration of happiness as a practice. Thich Nhat Hanh offers practices and inspiration to transform suffering without hiding from it or giving into it and offers the keys to finding true joy. Kimberlyn shares yoga application and reflections in 10 mini lessons and seamlessly weaves four key topics into yoga & meditation practice.