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Guru Circle

Yoga for Real Life

Let your practice improve your daily living!

Guru Circle is a rolling enrollment. Join at any time. We look forward to having you in the Circle.

Enroll Now

Teal colored circle with words Guru Circle

Yoga isn’t about getting better at postures, it’s about getting better at living! It’s a practice!

Life’sWork Guru Circle is a sangha of yogis engaged in swadyaya.
(For those who don’t “speak Sanskrit” that means: a community of practitioners committed to the principles of Yoga Living engaged in on going study and learning.)

Life’sWork Guru Circle invites those who seek to live the practices of yoga in daily life: in work, in play, in service and in practice.

Guru Circle is an OPEN community of self-identified modern yogis, professional yoga teachers and wellness practitioners who choose to dive deep into the philosophy of yoga and the practices of Transparent Alignment with compassionate accountability and authentic living.

Together we THRIVE!

Wisdom of the Guru

The word “guru” comes over to English as “gravity”. Guru denotes a center of gravity. The root “gu” stands for darkness; “ru” for its removal. The guru, or the teacher, is one who sheds light in the darkness of avidya (ignorance).

The guru is one who understands the law of gravity and other basic laws of the universe, including the laws of impermanence and the truth of duhkha (suffering). Although sometimes embodied in an external person or entity, the guru is actually your own center of gravity. The manifestations of these teachings is ultimately experienced within one’s own body and mind so that the heart opens up, revealing an internal center of gravity.
Connecting with one’s center of gravity is the embodiment of stillness. A center of gravity is finding in oneself and others both the stillness of non-reactivity and the vitality of compassionate and wise action.

-Excerpt from Michael Stone, The Inner Traditions of Yoga

Guru Circle Membership includes:


  • Yoga Book Club: October, November, February, March, May & June (LAST Tuesdays of each month 7-9pm)
  • Yoga Living Case Studies: usually September, December & April (LAST Tuesdays of each month, 7- 9pm)


  • Inspiration Check-up: Welcome Consultation with Kimberlyn (30-min personal, 1:1 coaching session)
  • Exclusive app MEMBERS ONLY group for connection and accountability support
  • DISCOUNT on EVENTS and Inspired Living Somatic Coaching
  • PRIORITY registration for all Life’sWork Yoga events!

In total, receive OVER $1000 in tuition and event fees and the opportunity to really LIVE YOUR YOGA and enhance integration of yoga into daily living.

Circle is a place for learning and practicing the how-tos and whys for living well! We call it Inspired Living!

Are you ready to integrate practice and LIFE?

Are you ready to…

 Book shelf filled with books

Study & Practice

Support & Encourage

Live & Learn

A Circle is a safe place to learn, explore and to be…

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Multiple weekly & monthly learning opportunities for integrating your values and priorities into intentional action.
  • A space to authentically connect with and be seen & heard by others committed to living yoga principles.
  • Instructional guidance for real-life tools and strategies for cultivating Transparent Alignment for Inspired Living.
  • Skillfully crafted integrated lessons of yoga philosophy, self-care, and inspired living.
  • Confidence and peace of mind that “YOU GOT THIS!”

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Open heart and mind and a desire to live vibrantly.
  • Permission (from yourself) to make mistakes, and
  • Courage to show up and be seen just as you are!