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Tag: celebration

Holiday Survival: Begin Again

Happy New Year!!! I told you last month that Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday... and it is. But... my second favorite holiday is New Years! not because I celebrate with a big party or even...

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Holiday Survival: Gift giving

Gift Giving as a Practice of Love Gifts: they’re fun to receive and can be even more fun to give! My husband Peter, is an excellent gift giver. In fact, I believe it is his...

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Holiday Survival: Moon Ritual

As the hectic holidays start to take hold in our lives, there's really only one anecdote to the chaos: Self-care. That's right, 2019's biggest buzzword is the thing that will help us survive (and thrive) in...

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Kick-off for Loneliness

There is so much to celebrate as we step into the Autumn season: vegetables and fruits of our summer gardens, warm days and cool nights for Home Comings, harvest and Fall festivals and fairs in...

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What is generosity, anyway?

In case you missed it, this is a continuation of last week's message, Can you accept help? regarding generosity and what I learned as a result of being in need. This month marks the 11-year...

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