Holiday Survival: Begin Again
Happy New Year!!! I told you last month that Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday... and it is. But... my second favorite holiday is New Years! not because I celebrate with a big party or even...
Holiday Survival: Gift giving
Gift Giving as a Practice of Love Gifts: they’re fun to receive and can be even more fun to give! My husband Peter, is an excellent gift giver. In fact, I believe it is his...
Holiday Survival: Moon Ritual
As the hectic holidays start to take hold in our lives, there's really only one anecdote to the chaos: Self-care. That's right, 2019's biggest buzzword is the thing that will help us survive (and thrive) in...
STK: Thanksgiving
Kick-off for Loneliness
There is so much to celebrate as we step into the Autumn season: vegetables and fruits of our summer gardens, warm days and cool nights for Home Comings, harvest and Fall festivals and fairs in...
What is generosity, anyway?
In case you missed it, this is a continuation of last week's message, Can you accept help? regarding generosity and what I learned as a result of being in need. This month marks the 11-year...