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Category: Inspired Living

Krama Energy Flow

Let it be, let it go, let it flow... all great tropes for living well. And yet, what do they really mean in light of our Yoga practice ? With the onset of Spring, we...

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Power of Breath… it’s Courage

There really is nothing like the birth of Spring. The sound of song birds and the sight of fresh sprouts with blooms of yellow and purple and white breaking through the dead leaf mulch of...

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Breath-Heart Connection

I recently had an ah-ha! moment! It isn't new information, and yet in the moment the power of this TRUTH woke me from my slumber and warmed me to my core. Breath is the key...

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Love in any Language

In High School my dance team was invited to perform at the Freedom Bowl in Anaheim, California. It was my first opportunity to fly, and the largest audience I've ever performed for. We performed a...

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Begin Again, Again

How do you prepare for the new year? Are you a resolution setter? A Vision Board builder? A dreamer, a planner, or a fly-by-the seat-of-your-pants-er? Or maybe you’re more of a nay-sayer when it comes...

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Courage to Begin Again

'Begin Again' is one of my favorite sayings... as a hashtag, it's a mantra for the electronic age to inspire self-care. As someone who likes to achieve and prefers forward movement, cultivating the practice of...

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