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How Do You Spell “Doctor”?

How Do You Spell "Doctor"?

Today I wrapped up the evidence gathering and documentation required by the three subpoenas I was given last week, but I want to take a little more time on this unexpected task to ask… how do you spell “doctor”?

See, an anonymous someone “reported me” to the Maryland Board of Health, Physicians Board as “illegally representing myself as a medical practitioner”. (Shock and awe!)

Let me be clear. I have never presented myself as a medical practitioner, in fact, I go to great lengths to educate and explain my credentials to every student and client I work with. I hope you can confirm this statement. However, I use the title “doctor” because I earned my Doctorate of Management in Organizational Leadership in 2010 (see me and my cute kiddos below!). In completing the academic and research requirements for this accredited program of higher learning, I have earned the privilege and responsibilities associated with the title “doctor” which I always use with the appropriate letter distinctions attached (“DMOL”). I do not take this accusation lightly, and I hope you can appreciate why.

I like to be me… be my self, and present my humanness before I call upon my degrees, education, and titles. However, when I need an “expert” I seek out credentialing and expertise as evidenced in such things as titles, education, certifications, and affiliations. I use Consumer Reports (actually I ask Peter, who uses Consumer Reports) before any major and many minor purchases. In a world where it’s easy to be “too busy” to do the research and investigate credentialing, having proper credentialing and professional association affiliation can feel like an unnecessary expense for the practitioner. But, offering this alphabet soup of letters after my name can be a handy short-cut to assist the consumer, you (and me!). But only if we know how to translate the secret code of credentialing.

In addition to my doctorate and numerous training and certifications in anatomy and therapeutic modalities to address and alleviate pain, I am an E-RYT-500, RPYT, and a CEP through Yoga Alliance. I also have two registered Yoga School affiliations with Yoga Alliance. Do you have any idea what any of that means? I mean it looks legit and significant, right?

The E means I’ve taught more than 1000 hours of classes. I’ve actually logged over 5000 hours of taught classes. The RYT stands for Registered Yoga Teacher. This means I studied at a Yoga School who agreed to the curriculum guidelines provided by Yoga Alliance and upon completion of that schooling, I paid a fee and annual dues to the Yoga Alliance Organization. The 500 is the number of hours completed in guided training. RPYT refers to being a Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher and CEP means I’m accredited to offer Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) via workshops and training for yoga teachers. Impressive? Yes and yet maybe not. See I like to think of myself as a professional in the Relationship Business. Credentials may open the door to our relationship, but if we don’t have a connection, we probably aren’t a good match to do the real work of yoga and living authentically.

I’m grateful for the concerned citizen who challenged my credentials and training. But I’m even more grateful for the community (so many of you!) that stood with me as I defended my practice and my ethics. If you would like to learn more about my education, training, credentials or philosophy, I welcome and invite you to just ask! In fact, I encourage you to ask any of the “experts” in your world to explain (not defend) their credentials but mostly I encourage you to seek connection and authenticity. Trust your gut. Listen to your heart. Use your brain.

Breathe deeply, move freely, labor lovingly and live vibrantly,
