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Tag: connection

What are you doing?

Happiness is said to have three ingredients: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. This is part of 2 or a 4-part series exploring happiness from the perspective of Transparent Alignment....

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Are you happy?

Happiness is said to have three ingredients: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. In my life, I've learned that modern humans have no shortage of things to do. However, I've...

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What is generosity, anyway?

In case you missed it, this is a continuation of last week's message, Can you accept help? regarding generosity and what I learned as a result of being in need. This month marks the 11-year...

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Can you accept help?

I was taught that being a good person meant I was to help others, generously and freely. In fact, I learned that it was BETTER to offer help than to ask for it, and way...

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Have you had your play today?

I take a daily (almost) vitamin. I eat right and sleep consistently. I try to pay my bills on time. I’ve recently reduced caffeine drastically, and as a yoga teacher, I’m pretty active. I do...

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Wanna Play?

Wanna play? This weekend I introduced a room of yoga trainees to the concepts of “Advanced” yoga postures and play for the aerial practice. For some, “advanced” instantly assumes twisting and folding the body into...

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