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Tag: inspiration

Karma of Kindness

Kindness is more than behavior. The art of kindness involves harboring a spirit of helpfulness, being generous and considerate, and doing so without expecting anything in return. Rather than viewing it exclusively as an action,...

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Yoga of Belonging

Yoga, often translated to mean union, as derived from its root "to yoke", offers a unique perspective on belonging and connection. Like many other spiritual practices, Yoga  combines effort AND ease, advocates personal growth AND...

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Anniversary- a look back

This is me... on a cliff somewhere in Montana 25 years ago! I was on a cross country bike ride, The Northern Tier, from Seattle, WA to Bar Harbor, ME. And then, because I literally...

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Competence: Skill in action

Curiosity, Creativity, Courage… three skills cultivated through practice built on compassion as authenticity and gratitude. Consistent practice builds competence in these skills. With successful outcomes from our efforts, we gain confidence in our ability to...

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Cultivating Confidence

I’m so grateful that Yoga has helped me reframe my life as a journey of Inspired Living. An adventure of learning the skills of Curiosity, Creativity and Courage in practice of doing what matters most....

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