What time is it?
If you were guaranteed not to fail, what would you do? Today. Whether it's fear of failure or fear of success (and what comes next), I hear it all the time: the timing is wrong....
STK: Find your Nook
Holiday Survival: Gift giving
Gift Giving as a Practice of Love Gifts: they’re fun to receive and can be even more fun to give! My husband Peter, is an excellent gift giver. In fact, I believe it is his...
Holiday Survival: Moon Ritual
As the hectic holidays start to take hold in our lives, there's really only one anecdote to the chaos: Self-care. That's right, 2019's biggest buzzword is the thing that will help us survive (and thrive) in...
What’s YOUR story?
One thing we all love is stories. Stories connect us, teach us, transform us, set us free and LIGHT US UP! I love a good story and I love the ritual of a bedtime story....
Ritual, Traditions & Celebrations
Welcoming in Spring ushers in a season of celebrations based in ancient rituals and fused with modern intentions. According to Wikipedia, a ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, and objects, performed in...