A Home Coming

Nine months is how long it took for me to gestate each of my three kids (actually Seiji actually opted for the 10-month plan, without approval, mind you!). Nine months is the time it took for me to craft, write, research, defend and publish my Doctoral Dissertation. Nine months is the length of many Yoga teacher training programs. Nine months, or 270 days, is significant when it comes to doing one thing with focus and passion! That’s what we’ve been doing! Our one thing: build something different to support and serve intentional self-care thru yoga and bodywork for the Frederick community.
There are no new human babies in our immediate future (at least that we know of!) but some of our prenatal/fertility yoga students, yoga teachers, and massage clients have brought new little baby joys into the world. Celebrating new babies, achieving new milestones, and sharing our achievements is what make life’s joys tangible and share-able. We connect by sharing our stories and seeing each other in the process of living!
All new parents understand the “work” involved in building something from scratch! But so do new home-owners, new graduates, as do new business owners. And I’m sure you do, too! Reply and let us know what BIG projects you have dedicated your INTENTION and ATTENTION to building. How long did you focus on that effort? What obstacles challenged your perseverance or direction?
Our focus and passion have built something truly beautiful! But just like raising a child, pregnancy is only the first lap of this “race” called life. As our “baby” continues to grow, we hope to continue to support and share this journey with you! We are so very proud of what we’ve accomplished and look forward to the celebrating our FIRST of many anniversaries in the coming year! If you haven’t been in to see us, please, come on in. We’d love to give you a tour!
May you breathe deeply, move freely, labor lovingly & live vibrantly.