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Category: Inspired Living

What’s the Story?

These past few weeks, I’ve been leading an Inspired Living Coaching series with some of the most awesome individuals I’ve ever met. Some of you already know this because you are participating as one of...

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A Home Coming

Nine months is how long it took for me to gestate each of my three kids (actually Seiji actually opted for the 10-month plan, without approval, mind you!). Nine months is the time it took...

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I found an old friend in my book of poems this past week. Maybe you heard me share it in class. Ordinary Life by Karolyn Kinane “My ordinary life will sometimes tell Me that I...

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The Practice of REST

I'm practicing rest. I'm practicing rest because I found a connection between rest for my body and my ability to trust... to trust myself, others, even the universe. When my body feels rested, my mind...

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What’s the Buzz?

There’s a new buzz with the hope of the New Year. Do you feel it? Maybe it’s just a ringing in my head from the political news stories... Maybe it’s the excitement of a new...

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Begin Again

New Year, graduation celebrations, Mondays, and even daily attitude adjustments are ways of resetting and allowing ourselves to #beginagain. I begin again a lot! When we create an intentional pause, like these examples, we have...

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