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Category: Inspired Living

Abundance for the New Year?

How do you prepare for the year? Are you a resolution setter? A Vision Board builder? A dreamer, a planner, or a fly-by-the seat-of-your-pants-er? Or are you a nay-sayer when it comes to set intentions...

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Strategies for Intentional Self-Care

Happy Holidays. I hope you are finding time to cultivate self-care and connection with those you most love this Holiday Season. In all transparency, I am resuming my own self-care practices after a bit of...

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Practice Together

For me to stand together is a sign of our humanity and the support of one another. To laugh together is a means to share joy, and sorrow through connection and community. To practice together...

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Laugh Together

I need to laugh, a lot. I try to laugh at least once a day. These days it seems like I need laughter like a multi-vitamin to enhance my immune system from the infection of...

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Stand Together

My heart is heavy as I write this love letter to you. The state of our world has me heart-broken and sad. There I said it. It is not wrong to have feelings, it’s not...

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Find Your Joy and Repeat

Happiness is said to have three ingredients: something to do, something to love, something to hope for. In my coaching and teaching, I've learned that modern humans have no shortage of things to do. However,...

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