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Spring: a practice of the middle way

Purple crocus flowers

The Buddhist teach a philosophy often simplified as “The Middle Way” which is the term Gautama Buddha used to describe the character of the Noble Eightfold Path which leads to liberation. As such, The Middle Way is a mentality that advocates for moderation and allowing for a little of everything but nothing in excess. “Everything exists.” That is one extreme. “Everything doesn’t exist.” That is a second extreme. Avoiding these two extremes, one finds the middle.

The Spring Equinox is a celebration of the middle… the middle of the middle, actually. As we approach the Vernal or Spring Equinox on March 20, we celebrate the beginning of Spring or the half way point between Winter and Summer. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the Spring equinox is the moment when Winter ends and Spring begins, (while for the Southern Hemisphere it is the moment when summer ends and Fall (Autumn) begins). In the Northern Hemisphere the Spring equinox occurs every year between March 19 and March 21. On the day of an equinox, daytime and nighttime are of approximately equal duration all over the planet. They are not, however, exactly equal due to the angular size of the Sun, atmospheric refraction, and the rapidly changing duration of the length of day that occurs at most latitudes around the equinoxes. What this means to me is that even in attempting to find the middle of the year, there is some wiggle room. 😊

The Spring equinox is one of four days (two equinoxes and two solstices) throughout the year that mark the beginning of a new season. The other days are the Summer solstice (beginning of summer), the Fall equinox (beginning of Fall) and the Winter solstice (beginning of Winter). Spring represents new light, new life, new hope. It is a reminder that life is a cycle, a circle of energy. In other words, it’s a time to #beginagain.

You’ve already heard me advocate for #beginagain as often as needed. But when the universe says it too, it lends even more credibility, don’t you think? Here are SIX of my FAVORITE ways to celebrate Spring and the Equinox:

1. Set an Intention: The start of a new season, is the perfect opportunity to recommit or set a new intention. An intention is simply a statement the unites the desires of Manas “the mind stuff” of the brain, heart and gut into action. My intention is to spend at least 15 minutes outside EVERY DAY this Spring. How convenient that Namaste Studios is about a 15-minute walk from my home!

2. Establish a Daily Routine or Rhythm: Spring is typically a time of renewal and rebirth. Establishing a new daily routine or rhythm can help ease transitions, increase productivity, and provide a framework for your daily-do’s. I HIGHLY recommend a daily movement practice, the Dascha Chalana is a great way to keep the joints lubricated and hydrated. Join us for practice in the studio to support your daily routine or watch this video at home to help keep the inspiration alive!

3. Get Outside: There is no better way for me to connect with nature, new life and the energy of Spring than getting outside. My favorite is to hang from the Oak Tree in my front yard in my aerial silk or to hike at Gambrill State Park. How do you like to get outside?

4. Bring SPRING Indoors: How convenient is it that every grocery store has fresh bouquets and potted plants ready for our enjoyment! Whether you pick some fresh herbs, a spring bulb, or a bouquet of spring flowers or maybe you could even MAKE a bouquet out of scraps of fabric, felt or paper! Reply with a photo of your Indoor SPRING bouquet!

5. Refresh and Renew: There is nothing like a get-away or retreat to help reset and restore intention and attention. Join me NEXT MONTH (April 26-28) at Fox Haven Farm in Jefferson, MD for a three-day Yoga & Inspiration Retreat.

6. Begin Something New: Solstices and equinoxes are a great time of year to let go of the old and begin fresh. Maybe you try a new exercise or a new a new massage practitioner. Check out Byron’s bio below! Maybe you spend some time getting clear about what you want out of life and then DO IT! We just hosted our Vision Board workshop which is one way to visualize our life’s intentions. But it’s not too late! Try this simple formula: Make a list of everything you’ve been wanting to do. Pick your top three choices. Then make a plan to start one and go from there.  Need more guidance… Coach Kimberlyn is here to help! Seriously though, creating your best life is serious and important work. Don’t delay and don’t settle for less than VIBRANT LIVING!

Your light is worth sharing! May you shine always.

May you breathe deeply, move freely, labor lovingly, and live vibrantly,

