Do you Yoga?

According to the Bhagavad Gita, knowing our true self (Atma) is the purpose of the yogi and the consequence of the practice of yoga. In this epic tale, Krishna encourages Arjuna, the Warrior Prince, to “be a yogi at all times” (Ch8.v27).
The question at hand might be: “Do you Yoga? Or maybe more accurately, “How do you Yoga?”
For me, Yoga is the way in which I frame my life. Not only is yoga the culmination of daily habits that cultivate the values of authenticity, community, and service, it is the integration of all life’s activities into three simple practices: breathe, move and rest. Ultimately, Yoga is the mind set that helps me to Reframe from Love when my vision and desires are not met in reality. Yoga is learning to love myself in my imperfect state.
Do you Yoga? What does it look like?
I never imagined that 2020 would look like this. It certainly does not reflect the images and things I put on my Vision Board back in January (see image). And yet, upon closer reflection it ABSOUTELY does reflect some of the key values.
Let me highlight a few ironic truths that I NOW see hidden within the images and words of my 2020 Vision Board:
“Make an Impact: Share your passion with the world.” Because my studio went virtual, my offerings are now accessible internationally! And now have students from across the ocean!
“BE HERE” pasted on a map of Frederick. I never expected to spend so much time locally, but honestly, this is a great place to live!!!
“Protect what you love.” From my children, to my business, to the values I hold dear, this year has demanded all of us to stand up, speak up and show up to protect what we love.
“It’s a beautiful day for a bike ride” on an image of what could be a cyclist on the C&O. As a result of staying local, I have logged more miles on my bike than I have in over a decade! I am so grateful for such lovely access to safe adventures and immersive healing in the local parks and paths.
“Together Unstoppable” with an image of hands held in care. I could never have made it through this year and all its obstacles without the love, support and encouragement from so many, like you. Thank you!
“Stay connected”. I don’t think I have ever felt such a strong need for connection and community as this year. I am grateful for all the past effort to nurture deep friendships and authentic accountability that was able to withstand the test of our separation and distance while loving and encouraging over that space. I have definitely learned new ways for connecting!
And finally, at the bottom right in anticipation of what’s next: “and breathe…”
I’m not done… there is more to do and opportunity to just be. With the next breath, I’ll begin again.
What’s next for you? What’s shifted this year, whether you like or not, returning to “normal” just isn’t an option? It’s time to release the attachment to the way things were and embrace what is.
It’s time for yoga.
Ready for a new Vision Board? Check out my pre-recorded, guided virtual Vision Board program or join me for a live offering in January (in person and virtual participation supported as social welfare dictate). Stay tuned, and be sure to get on our e-mail list!