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To what are you saying “YES”?

Woman facing mountain making two peace signs

For every inhale there is an exhale.

For every morning there is an evening.

For every beginning there is an ending.

For every YES there is a no.

What are you saying “Yes!” to? More importantly, what are you intentionally choosing to say “Yes!” to?

Will you say “YES!” to Inspired Living? Will you say “Yes!” to passion and purpose? Will you say “Yes!” to living your best life?

Inspired Living is the culmination of daily habits and practices that help you say YES! to opportunities, invitations, conversations and challenges of living authentically and passionately. Based on the ancient teachings of yoga and modern principles for human potential, Inspired Living is showing up for life as your fullest, most authentic beautiful self.

Inspired Living is a process of re-learning the language of hope and inspiration. Once fluent in this language, not only can we show up in competence in being our best selves, we develop a deep confidence in our newly discovered true self!

Inspired Living is my signature program, a proven system of cultivating competence and confidence in living your best life. Inspired Living is the strategy (practices, techniques and even life-hacks) for learning to live your best life. I guide my students, often those new to yoga or new to the idea of living yoga beyond the mat, by integrating philosophy, theory, and ancient rituals into a modern, adaptable, and purposeful real-life.

Here’s the invitation… it’s coming soon and I don’t want you to miss it!

In fact since you are already HERE, be sure you enroll to receive my weekly Inspiration newsletter, become an official member of the Life’sWork Circle. As such, you will receive early access to announcements, FREE mini trainings and a special, EXCLUSIVE invitation to be a FOUNDING MEMBER of the Inspired Living program (with an obscene discount!) during my early bird offer.  I will be offering a BRAND NEW PROGRAM to explore yoga philosophy, teachings and practice for the modern-day yogi.

We will integrate modern disciplines of science, psychology, sociology, and religion with the BEST yoga teachings that have survived the test of time to learn HOW TO LIVE INTIMATELY with INSPIRATION. Stay tuned for more on this offering! I know you’re going to LOVE it!

If you want to be absolutely sure to receive this invitation, you have to say YES! and click the link below… I’m only sharing this program with those who are serious about living intimately with Inspiration!

Click this link. You’ll be put on my Wanna-Be a Founding Member List so you are sure to get ALL the info and not miss this chance to grow your confidence, competence and a deeper relationship with INSPIRATION!