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Tag: change

In search of samasthiti

If letting go is a pre-cursor to a fresh start as I proposed in last week's letter, then now seems perfectly appropriate to discuss #beginagain. If you missed last week's message, you can read it...

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Practice of Letting Go

According to Google, there are anywhere from 40 to 16 to 5 steps or ways of letting go. I first heard this idea of measuring experiences with steps when I was a young child. Even...

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Waiting Room of Life

Do you ever feel like you do more waiting than you do progressing? That’s how I feel right now. It reminds me of the old adage: Three steps forward, two steps back, which is fine...

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Change: to resist or to accept?

Change is inevitable. When we elect for change, we look forward to the shift. Think about it. When you change your hair style, or color, how do you feel when you get what you asked...

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Are you ready for some CHANGE?

This past year has been a whirl wind of change for many of us. We’ve watched our children graduate high school, our teammates start new career paths and deepen their knowledge and commitment to the...

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