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Courage: a practice of compassion in action

Strategy for Cultivating Courage

Courage and bravery are often used interchangeably and yet are they the same? More importantly, what does it take to be courageous in living life, especially when things get hard? Here’s a strategy I’ve been practicing and teaching. It’s what I call Inspired Shift. It’s an intentional a practice for cultivating compassion and authenticity in a world of consistent change. The beauty of this strategy is that we already have the tools, we already have everything we need to implement this strategy! All we need is a little guidance and support to craft a personal habit to optimize the power and magic of the practice. That’s what Inspired Shift is all about!

Step 1: Just Breathe.

Cultivating breath which allows for permission and the energy to begin again.

Step 2: Observe & Comment

Establishing an attentive nature and a receptivity to what we notice. This is the practice of dharana (focus) and invites us to notice what is and opens us to the opportunity for choice. But how do we know what to choose?

Step 3: Choose Wisely

Connecting to our internal Witness we can discover wisdom. Witness is the non-judgmental observer who helps you see more clearly, to explore your story, beliefs, assumptions and experiences in pursuit of Wisdom.

I wish I could say living intimately with inspiration was as simple as this, a 3-step strategy. Truth is, there is a little more involved… discipline and dedication for sure, but also clarity and conviction. But this is where a coach (like me!) can help. Together we can get clear about your values, what matters most for you. From there we build the skills and practice the habits. Beginning again as often as we need.

What are you practicing? Are they the habits that help you live well? Are they the actions of compassion in action?

Inspired Shift helps you cultivate courage, creativity and curiosity to do the practices that matter for a life of compassion and beauty. Yoga Living supports the development of discipline and dedication to the daily effort. Together, we can design a practice to put your intention into action!