The Practice of REST

I’m practicing rest. I’m practicing rest because I found a connection between rest for my body and my ability to trust… to trust myself, others, even the universe. When my body feels rested, my mind eases, my heart softens and my breath deepens. All of these things are good, just in themselves, but that, together, they also help me feel safe enough to trust, is even better.
I’ve probably always had a challenging relationship with trust, at least as long as I can remember. When asked, I can present tangible examples and logical justifications for why trust is elusive or unavailable. I bet you can, too?! But really trust is a choice to believe in abundance.
- Abundance of resources
- Abundance of forgiveness
- Abundance of love
Although it may easier (out of habit or nature, I don’t pretend to know) to find fault in or blame others when I’m in a clear space, I not only see my contribution (both failures and achievements) but I am also more able to see the best intentions of others. I call this “Reframing from Love”. I want to live in a space of love and trust. I want to live in a world where I am accepted as imperfectly perfect and I want to help create and “hold” space for others to feel the same… so I rest. So that I may trust.
May you breathe deeply, move freely, labor lovingly and live vibrantly.