Ready for Yoga Living?

There is no question that the past year has tried and tested all of us. This is hard, and continues to be. In fact, these past few months have proven even more significantly the importance of patience and self-care. With studios and gyms restricted, salons and spas closed, and now the weather making outside activity more challenging (as winter approaches in the Northern hemisphere), supported self-care is hard to find. All the more reason to cultivate a personal self-care practice based on the principles of yoga. Guess what, that’s what I do! 😉
Yoga can be described (perhaps most simply) as a practice to breathe, move, and rest. On a deeper level, yoga is about being, about holding an intention or a mindfulness of love and compassion, no matter what the activity of my mind, body or heart. Yoga is the space in which we breathe, move and rest in ease. This is Living Yoga, and it’s a practice!
“When you balance and regulate your habits, yoga dissolves sorrow and destroys mental pain.”
-Krishna, Bhagavad Gita Ch6.v17
Yoga Living is the culmination of habits, strategies and choices for living our daily lives. Yoga Living is a practice which means it is something we learn through repetition, trial and error, ideally guided by a wise teacher. With yoga at the center of our choices and decisions, living is the journey to discover and reside in union, alignment & compassion.
Yoga Living is not a difficult or complicated practice, it truly is as simple as
breathe, move, & rest
and as adaptable as your heart and mind are willing.
In my years as a teacher and coach, I have helped hundreds of yogis (an regular folks, too!) find their way to a rich personal practice that honors their story and supports living life with greater ease… I call it Yoga Living and its the first step to Inspired Living.