Benefits of being a Yogi

Are you a Yogi? What does Yoga do for you?
I’d love to hear from you, to know what benefits and blessings yoga has provided for you!
I’ve heard it said that yoga is a practice to help us live better. So if doing Yoga isn’t helping me live better, something needs to shift in my understanding or my practice of yoga.
Yoga can be described (perhaps most simply) as a practice to breathe, move, and rest. When yoga practice is “working”, or let me rephrase that, when I show up for the practice and allow yoga to work me…
Yoga helps me to breathe deeply, move freely, labor lovingly and live vibrantly.
Is Yoga helping YOU live better, with greater ease and alignment?
Doing yoga IS the beginning of living yoga and often a critical first step to building discipline (tapas), knowledge (vidya) and skill (jnana) within the practices that support and encourage alignment and authenticity. Once the practice becomes familiar and consistent, the ease finds its way into every aspect of the practice and the living.
If you are seeking more ease in your life and more joy in your daily practices, take a look at your yoga practice. Maybe it’s time to #BeginAgain.Maybe it’s time to explore Yoga Living.